our first partially Ai made campaign for Salzburg AG and Serviceplan in Vienna. have a look at the making of animation: https://mladenpenev.net/project-1261
CGI & compositing for the new Admiral Campaign for 2022
Compositing for the new Invest in Bavaria Campaign for 2022
CGI & compositing for the new WiFi Campaign for 2022
Power of Books project revival - concept and photography for the lobby of the new 25 Hour Hotel in Copenhagen.
CGI postproduction for the new power bar product shots for the brand NEOH. Check out the awesome skills of the CGI Artist Christo Penev.
CGI & compositing for CDK USA. Campaign 2021
Composing, grading, and look for the new PAGO campaign and their new flavors A.C.E. & dragon fruit.
Full CGI keyvisual production and animation for Raiffeisen Bank Salzkammergut. Created together with the CGi Artists Ivaylo Dimitrov and Christo Penev
Composing, grading and look for the new campaign for the local and regional grocery stores ADEG.
New sustainability campaign for the Austrian Railways. CGI Artwork by Christo Penev and BASIS
Composing, grading, and look for the new EVN Bonus campaign.
Animal mutant creation, compositing, and CGI for the new Spängler Bank private banking campaign.
CGI & compositing for CDK USA
CGI & compositing for Pipe Life
This is the new character design and visuals for the kid's department of the Viennese department store Steffl. Concept and design by Christo Penev and Clemens Ascher
Retouching and composing for the climate protection campaign of the city of Vienna. Collaboration project with PPM, Marko Mestrovic, and Jung von Matt, Donau.
New still life photography project for Deuter backpacks and Heimat.Wien
Retouching and composing for the new "Plastik Free" campaign for Ja!Natürlich and Merlicek & Partner
Composing, grading, and look for the new A1 Business campaign.
Interview in Photographize Issue 41
“Global2000 - Plastic Ocean” and “DATUM - Filter Bubble” won 5 awards at the Creative Club Austria Award Show.
Grading and look for the new Jö Bonus Club campaign featuring "Wir sind Kaiser"
Another new project I’ve worked on. Concept by We Make and CGI from Ivaylo Dimitrov. It is the new campaign for Joulie.
A new project I’ve worked on with Heimat Wien that came up with the concept and Ivaylo Dimitrov who worked on the CGI. It is a key visual for the 100th anniversary of TYROLIT, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of grinding and dressing tools
One of my latest works was photography and retouching job for the Vienna Opera Ball 2019. Thanks to Dasuno!
Featured in 200 BEST Digital Artists Worldwide 2019/20
Featured in 200 BEST Digital Artists Worldwide 2019/20
Featured in 200 BEST Digital Artists Worldwide 2019/20
Retouching for the all-new tele.ring Anchorman campaign.
It's been a great pleasure to be part of this project, as a photographer, as well as creating the short video. Stop polluting the oceans!
Social campaign for Neunerhaus. Worked on the post production for the series of 5 Portraits. Photography by Markus Thums and concept by Havas, Wien
The new visual campaign for Amazon Originals "You Are Wanted" Season 2.
Post production and retouching for this Living in Vienna campaign. Made by Warda Network & Sebastian Hofer, photos by Markus Thums.
Post production for this new campaign for the austrian public transportation companies
3 brand new images for Euro Jackpot
New campaign for the TV Show "Das ding des Jahres" on pro7
2017 campaign for Biotta organic juices.
New image campaign for TYROLIT.